Privacy Policy
Your privacy is extremely important to us at Campbell’s Sweets Factory. To better protect your privacy we have provided with you with an explanation as to the type of information we collect, how it is used & safeguarded, and how to notify us of your questions or concerns:
As part of the order process, the following information is collected from our customers: Name(s), shipping address, billing address, email address, phone number, credit/debit card type, and the last 4 digits of the credit card number for verification purposes. The full-length credit card information is encrypted during transmission to our payment processor.
The above information provided by our customers is held in the highest regard of importance and is used solely for the purpose of order processing and shipping. If there is a question or issue regarding your order, we reserve the right to notify our customers via the phone number or email address provided. We do not sell information to third parties or use the information for any purpose or motive outside of our standard order processing & shipping procedures.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please get in touch using our contact form, or email us directly at